SEA considers its suppliers as fundamental partners in its sustainability process and the foundations of this partnership are:

Sustainable Procurement Policy

At SEA, we consider suppliers to be an integral part of the sustainability process.

For this reason, when selecting our partners, we assess not only the quality and cost of what they offer, their financial solidity and compliance with regulations, but also their progress towards sustainability.

We have adopted an approach aimed at integrating sustainability into our procurement processes, in line with the company's overall sustainability strategy. In February 2022, the Board of Directors approved the new Sustainable Procurement Policy, which lays out the guiding principles for our purchasing processes and decisions.

The pillars of SEA's Sustainable Procurement Policy are:

  1. Environmental protection and environmental sustainability
  2. Community involvement
  3. Protection of human and labour rights
  4. Occupational safety and health
  5. Adoption of corporate governance tools
  6. Fair competition
  7. Prevention of bribery and conflicts of interest
  8. Respect for intellectual property and privacy in the use of information
  9. Information security-Cybersecurity
  10. Quality and corporate reputation
Supplier Code of Conduct

The Supplier Code of Conduct lays out the principles of SEA's Sustainable Procurement Policy. It is a document that all suppliers working with SEA are committed to complying with, with the aim of developing a shared sustainability path. 

Download the Supplier Code of Conduct

Supplier Code of Conduct
Open-es platform

Open-es is a shared platform on sustainability experiences open to all suppliers. SEAIf you are not already on the platform, register on Open-es. Remember to give your consent to make your data visible to SEA, even if you are already registered.

This approach was presented in a webinar. The full video is available at this link.