Unique and united
At SEA we think of all our people as pieces of a jigsaw puzzle: we are all different, all unique, all united. This approach also allows us to develop inclusive solutions for our passengers, making Milan's airports places that embrace diversity in all its forms. We focus on areas such as age, gender, culture, disability and sexual orientation. The actions we aim to develop through these projects include empowering individuals, creating an inclusive working environment, establishing new communication standards that overcome stereotypes and prejudices, measuring impact through defined KPIs, and involving the entire company in these initiatives to create an increasingly welcoming environment.
Among the various activities initially presented by the Core Team, we have prioritised three initiatives that are currently taking shape through the involvement of SEA employees and partnerships with external entities. The three ongoing projects are:
- SEA For Equality: for gender certification
- Sprint: to optimise the time spent consuming content
- SEA Friendly: for the inclusion of the LGBTQ+ community within our company.
Our collaborations
Parks - Liberi e uguali
As part of SEA FRIENDLY, we have joined "Parks - Liberi e Uguali", a non-profit association that helps companies develop policies and best practices that respect diversity, particularly with regard to sexual orientation and gender identity. With the support of Parks, we conducted a survey on D&I issues among all Group colleagues, allowing our employees to freely express their thoughts, experiences and opinions on these issues.
This was a first and crucial step in testing the company's mood on these issues. The results of the survey are a valuable tool for us to develop awareness-raising activities and projects that will involve not only the company but also our airports in the future.
To demonstrate our commitment and awareness of LGBTQ+ issues, SEA launched a social awareness campaign on inclusion and diversity for the first time this year during Pride Month.

Valore D
With regard to gender equality, SEA is actively working towards achieving key targets. At the heart of our initiatives is our collaboration with Valore D, a pioneering association of companies promoting gender balance. Together with Valore D, SEA has launched the Talks Academy free of charge for the entire corporate community. The Talks Academy provides a platform for telling and reflecting on life experiences, followed by expert insights on these stories. These sessions serve to inspire and motivate behaviours that drive change and promote inclusion.
Initiatives in 2023
On Tuesday 14 March, the results of the Diversity and Inclusion survey were presented to a group of 48 colleagues in person and simultaneously live-streamed.
The meeting was chaired by Igor Suran, Executive Director of Parks, the association that supports us on this journey. This important step reaffirms SEA's commitment to creating an increasingly inclusive environment where everyone can feel free to be themselves, supported by colleagues who are committed to making this a reality every day.
The occasion was also an opportunity to discuss how diversity and inclusion is an integral part of every department within our organisation - from Human Resources to Security, PRM and AOCC. To facilitate this dialogue, we heard testimonials from Carlo Stefani, Caterina Vecchi, Paolo Previtali and Arnaud Mimouni in a roundtable discussion that concluded the meeting. Watch the VIDEO of the roundtable.
Watch the VIDEO of the roundtable.
To continue its Diversity & Inclusion journey, SEA, in partnership with Valore D, has launched the Talks Academy, a series of 6 sessions open to all colleagues with no registration limit. Change becomes possible through learning: during these Talks, life stories are shared and then explored in depth by experts.
They can serve as inspiration and motivation to cultivate behaviours that foster change and promote inclusion. The Talks Academy are a journey of self-discovery and relationship-building, fostering an awareness of one's inherent worth and promoting inclusive skills that inspire reflection on change, both personally and professionally.
Click HERE to watch the talk again.
For more information on the VALUE D TALKS ACADEMY 2023, please visit this LINK - Value D
There was a great deal of enthusiasm for the meeting held on the morning of Thursday 22 June at the Malpensa Center with special guest and keynote speaker Professor Amalia Ercoli Finzi, an Italian engineer and philanthropist.
Amalia Ercoli Finzi is one of the world's most prominent figures in aerospace science and technology. She has served as a scientific advisor to NASA, ASI and ESA, most notably as Principal Investigator for the SD2 instrument on board the Rosetta space probe.
She was the first woman in Italy to graduate in aeronautical engineering, with a mark of 100/100 cum laude at the Milan Polytechnic, where she went on to teach orbital mechanics.
The occasion was an opportunity not only to discuss space and comets, but also to explore how her role as a woman, an engineer and a mother of five children in the 1960s was a true "space mission"!
The meeting, attended by our CEO Armando Brunini, was further enriched by the contributions of three colleagues - Ileana Zurlo, Maintenance Department, Orietta Liccati, Cargo & Real Estate Department, and Barbara Benenati, Innovation, Quality and Continuous Improvement Department.
They engaged in a dialogue with Professor Finzi and Anna Barzaghi, reflecting on their personal and professional paths.
It was an invaluable opportunity to listen and exchange ideas, which left us full of energy and positive vibes.
Watch the VIDEO with Amalia Ercoli Finzi.