The Corporate Governance Report reflects the corporate governance structure adopted by SEA and provides a general overview of the same.

SEA prepares the annual Corporate Governance and Ownership Structure Report, taking into account the recommendations contained in the format provided by the Italian Stock Exchange with the support of Assonime.
Since 27 June 2001, SEA has complied with the Self-Regulatory Code for Listed Companies issued by the Corporate Governance Committee of Borsa Italiana S.p.A., renamed the Corporate Governance Code since the January 2020 edition.
The Report on Corporate Governance and the Ownership Structure describes the corporate governance system adopted by the SEA Board of Directors and how the recommendations of the Code have been implemented, according to the current format.
Following the issue of the bond loan on 17 April 2014 (repaid in 2021) and the listing of the related securities on the regulated market organised and managed by the Irish Stock Exchange, SEA acquired the status of Public Interest Entity (EIP) pursuant to Article 16, paragraph 1, letter a) of Legislative Decree no. 39/2010. This status is maintained as a result of a new €300 million bond issue, completed in October 2020 and listed on the regulated market of the Irish Stock Exchange (Euronext Dublin).
On 27 July 2023, the Board of Directors of SEA resolved to adopt the Code, confirming its will to implement an efficient corporate governance system that adequately allocates powers and related responsibilities between the management body and the control body and that aims to create long-term value to benefit shareholders, considering the interests of all stakeholders relevant to achieving sustainable success.