Registration Documents

Documents, Rules and Agreements to participate into Supplier Portal and/or Qualification Systems

Rules, Agreements and guidelines to participate into Negotiation Events

User Guidelines

Access or registration in the Supplier Portal

To access or register in the supplier portal, consult the Collaborate with SEA page.

Contractual documentation

Policy Conventional Insurance (PAC)

SEA, in order to further strengthen the partnership relationship with its Suppliers, has signed the PAC, which allows all Economic Operators entrusted with works - supplies - services contracts to adhere to favorable - economic and regulatory - insurance coverage conditions required by SEA for each contract award.

The following policies are included in the PAC:

  • Liability Insurance (RCVT)
  • Excess Motor Third Party Liability Insurance
  • War and Associated Risks
  • Business Interruption Insurance
  • Property Damage in Custody (Tenancy Risk)
  • Property Damage in Contiguity (Neighboring/Third Party Claims)
  • Cross Liability Insurance


For any inquiries regarding the PAC, you can contact Willis Towers Watson, the company delegated by SEA to provide all the necessary clarifications to finalize the coverage. To that end, a Questionnaire is available, and its completion is a prerequisite to obtain a quotation.

During the bidding phase, the completed Questionnaire must be sent by the Bidder to (Please note that the Questionnaire must be filled in indicating the contract value).

After the awarding of the contract, the completed Questionnaire must be sent by the Awardee to Please note that the Questionnaire must be filled in indicating the contractual amount).

Supplies Contractual General Conditions Revision 0

In the contracts awarded by SEA for supplies, supply and installation, and services (*) the provisions contained in the following documentation shall apply for each type of contract, along with any specific provisions related to the particular contract:

(*) General Contract Terms and Conditions for works contracts are currently in progress

Condizioni generali di contratto e allegati contrattuali Rev. 3
Nei contratti di appalto stipulati da SEA trovano applicazione, per ciascuna tipologia di affidamento, le disposizioni riportate nella seguente documentazione cui si aggiungono, di volta in volta, quelle relative allo specifico contratto: