

Pierfrancesco Barletta

Not executive
Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee
Foto ritratto Mainini

Daniela Mainini

Committee member
Not executive
Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee

The Board of Directors exercises its corporate risk control and management activities through the Control and Risk Committee, established at SEA in 2002.

The Control and Risk Committee is responsible for identifying corporate risks and submitting them to the Board of Directors, as well as implementing the guidelines of the same through planning, management and monitoring of the internal control system. By resolution of 31 July 2018, the Board of Directors extended the Committee’s functions to sustainability-related issues, in relation to the new obligations related to the social and environmental impacts of business activities introduced by Legislative Decree 254/2016 regulating the disclosure of non-financial information, consequently changing its name to the "Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee."

The Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee currently consists of the following directors:

  • Pierfrancesco Barletta
  • Daniela Mainini
  • Luciana Rovelli

The Committee is chaired by Councillor Pierfrancesco Barletta. 
The Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors or another member of the Board of Statutory Auditors and the head of the Auditing Department attend the Committee meetings.

The composition, functioning, organisation and activities of the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee are governed by specific regulations, last modified by the Committee on July 31, 2018.

On 31 May 2022, the Board of Directors resolved to pay the Chairman of the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee a gross annual fee of €20,000 and each of the other members of the Committee a gross annual fee of €10,000.