Our transformation process is ahead of the game, leading us to develop innovative medium-term environmentally friendly investment strategies and solutions before the implementation of any regulatory measures or institutional frameworks. We especially focus on ESG issues inherent in our role as an intermodal hub.


Aviation industry sustainability scenario

Governments NormsFinancial Institutions ExpectationsIndustry Policies


Commissione Europea

  • "Sustainable and Smart Mobility Strategy”
  • "Fit for 55": impact on air travel (Excise duties on jet fuel, Re-FuelEU, ETS reform)


  • Introduction of ICAO Balanced Approach to Noise
  • Issue environmental standards for aircraft

  • Carbon tax on flights
  • Limitations on domestic air routes
  • Development of high speed railway
  • Accelerated SAF rollout plans for domestic flights
  • Lack of environmental authorisation for airport Master Plans (Paris CDG, Heathrow, Nantes, Bristol, Marseille, Lisbon)

Introduzione livelli 4 e 4+

Riduzione emissioni aviation attraverso innovazione aeromobili, ATM, SAF/E-fuel, offsetting

  • Sostegno pubblico per produzione / diffusione SAF
  • Finanziamenti per aeromobili a basse emissioni
  • Incentivi per il rinnovo delle flotte
  • Revisione SES e mantenimento ETS UE / CORSIA
  • Contributi a progetti aeroportuali su efficienza energetica,energie rinnovabili, mobilità elettrica nel sedime

Framework strategico promosso da ACI Europe per orientare la strategia di sostenibilità degli aeroporti

Commissione Europea

  • Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive - 2024
  • Esposizione nel Sustainability Report della quota di revenues; capex e opex allineate alla Tassonomia per gli ambiti “Climate Mitigation” e “Climate Adaptation” - Q1 2022
  • Esclusione degli investimenti in espansione infrastrutturale degli aeroporti tra i finanziamenti “eligible” di BEI


Our path

We have built our path considering all the aspects of sustainability. The environment is certainly a key cornerstone, but we have also concentrated our attention on people's well-being, decent work and economic growth, gender equality and prevention of inequality, infrastructure and innovation.

One of the most ambitious challenges is to achieve zero CO2 emissions by 2030 by adopting a new model for managing, accessing and powering our airports.

The aviation sector is one of the most complex sectors to decarbonize and evolve into a green industry. A systemic approach and the consolidation of a network of important partnerships are key to success that will enable us to develop an integrated and synergistic strategy with all the players in the area.

As SEA we will make every effort to put our commitment into practice, with foresight and responsibility.


Interesting fact

How much does the aviation industry pollute?

Comparison of the socio-environmental externalities generated by the different forms of mobility


Average external costs of passenger transport per person-kilometre
(=pkm), cargo transport per tonne-kilometre (=tkm) and light commercial
vehicles per vehicle kilometre (=vkm) for EU-28, in eurocents, 2016

Air pollution Accidents Climate W ell- t o-tank Noise Habitat damage 5 tkm pkm vkm 10 15 7.9 2.8 2.9 3.5 1.4 2.0 3.5 13.1