SEA Board and Committee Structure

Michaela Castelli
A graduate in Law from the University of Milan, Michaela Castelli began her professional career in 2004 working in leading Italian law firms dealing with corporate and financial market law; she then worked in the Capital Market division of Banca Commerciale Italiana in the London branch before consolidating her experience at Borsa Italiana S.p.A., where she dealt with the primary and secondary markets, and assisted listed issuers in extraordinary transactions, price sensitive disclosures, compliance and corporate governance. She is an expert in organisation, corporate compliance, internal controls and 231 regulations. Enrolled in the Milan Register of Lawyers, a consultant, member of Boards of Directors, Auditor in Boards of Statutory Auditors and member of Supervisory Boards of listed and unlisted companies, she currently holds the position of Chairman of Nexi SpA and, among others, the position of Board Member at Recordati SpA, Fiera Milano SpA, Engineering – Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A, Fiber JVCO SpA.
In 2017, she was appointed as a Board Member at SEA and has been Chairman of the Board since 2018.

Armando Brunini
CEO and General Manager
Armando Brunini is Chief Executive Officer and Managing Director of S.E.A. S.p.A. (Milan Airport management company), Vice President of Assaeroporti (Association of Italian Airports) and President of ACI Europe (Airports Council International Europe).
Previously he has been CEO of GE.S.A.C. S.p.A. (Naples Airport management company).
Earlier, he held different top management roles within the aeronautical industry, first as Head of Strategy in Aeroporti di Roma, then as Executive Vice President-Commercial in the airline Eurofly and formerly as Managing Director of Bologna Airport (at the same time he served as member of SAGAT - Turin Airport Board of Directors).
Prior to that he worked in the management consultancy sector for KPMG, PWC and subsequently AT Kearney.
Armando Brunini is graduated with honors in Economics and Business from the University of Naples Federico Il.

Pierfrancesco Barletta *
* Voluntarily suspended from duties
A graduate in Law from the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milan, he has held various positions of responsibility, including Chief Operating Officer - FC Internazionale Milano Spa; Managing Director M-I Stadio; Chairman of the Board of Directors Milanosport Spa; Member of the Board of Directors of Credito Sportivo; Member of the Board of Directors of Leonardo Spa; Chief Executive Officer of Jaba Communications; Deputy Chairman of Atlas SGR; Chairman of Ulturale.
In 2019, he was appointed Board Member of SEA.

Franco Maria Antonio D’Alfonso
Franco Maria Antonio D’Alfonso
A law graduate from the University of Milan with an MBA from SDA Bocconi in Milan, Franco D’Alfonso has held various positions of responsibility in the public and private sectors, including those of CEO of Canale 5 Music (entertainment) and the Bopa Group (tourism), as well as Councillor for Commerce of the Municipality of Milan and Budget of the Metropolitan City of Milan. In 1981 he began his career as a management consultant at Telos Management (today Deloitte Consulting) and in 1983 he joined Italtel Spa (telecommunications) as assistant to the General Manager and in 1984 the Fininvest group as assistant manager to the DG Rti (Television), where he held numerous positions as general manager of production and foreign sales, CEO of record companies, publishers and production in the entertainment sector. In May 2022 he was appointed as a Board Member of SEA spa.

Daniela Mainini
Daniela Mainini
A graduate in Law from the University of Milan, Daniela Mainini has been working in the field of Industrial Law for over thirty years, and more specifically in the field of corporate criminal law protection, having gained particular experience in the protection of intellectual property and corporate organisational diligence, among other areas. In 1990 she founded the law firm Cirillo Mainini, which became Studio Legale Mainini e Associati in 1998. Appointed among the first Honorary Deputy Public Prosecutors of the Republic at the Milan Magistrate’s Court, from 1990 to 2002 she was Secretary General and Member of the Board of Directors of COLC Italia (Anti-Counterfeiting Committee).
Since 2002, she has been Chairman of the Centro Studi Grande Milano, an association that brings together representatives of businesses, institutions, the third sector and solidarity organisations with the aim of enhancing Milan.
She is Chairman, among others, of the Supervisory Bodies of 2i Rete Gas Spa, 2i Servizi Energetici, Tyco- Jhonson Control, Sharp, SSG Group, Rossetto and Instrumentation Laboratory (Werfen Group).
In 2022, she was appointed as a Board Member of SEA, where she is also a member of the CCRS and SB.

Roberta Neri
Roberta Neri
Graduated with honours in Economics and Commerce from Sapienza University of Rome, she began her career at Italsiel, working on projects for the information management of corporate procedures.
In 1991, she joined Acea, initially serving as Head of Planning and Control, and then as Head of Structured Finance, contributing to activities related to the company's stock market listing in 1999. She subsequently became Chief Financial Officer, playing a key role in the group's growth trajectory until 2009. In the same year, she founded Byom, where, as CEO, she was involved in investment activities and provided technical and financial consultancy for structuring operations for financial and industrial investors in the energy and infrastructure sectors.
In 2015, she was appointed CEO of Enav, where, until 2020, she managed, notably, the company’s stock market listing - the first of its kind globally in its sector. Since 2020, she has served as Operating Partner at Asterion Industrial Fund, Chairwoman of the Board of Directors of Retelit, and Board Member of Sorgenia. She is also a member of the Advisory Board of Equita and a Board Member of Digited.

Luciana Sara Rovelli
Luciana Sara Rovelli
The Board of Directors plays a central role in the corporate governance system and in the corporate organisation, providing strategic and governance oversight of the company.
The Board of Directors carries out its management activities by pursuing the goal of sustainable success, understood as the creation of long-term value to benefit shareholders, taking into account the interests of other stakeholders relevant to the Company.
The company is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of seven members. The Board of Directors must be appointed in such a way as to ensure
that the least represented gender accounts for at least 1/3 of the members of the Board.
The Shareholders’ Meeting of 3 May 2022 appointed 7 members of the Company’s Board
of Directors, which will remain in office until the approval of the financial statements as at 31 December 2024.
The Board of Directors has set up two committees from among its members, with proposal-making and advisory functions towards the Board of Directors, and has appointed a Group Ethics Committee tasked with ensuring the dissemination, observance, correct interpretation, updating and control of the implementation of the Code of Ethics, as well as verifying, monitoring and assessing cases of its violation.
Declaration pursuant to Legislative Decree 39/2013
Below are the declarations of the lack of causes of ineligibility or disqualification from the office of director adopted in respect of candidate directors in a Member State of the European Union also for the purposes of Articles 2382 and 2383 of the Italian Civil Code, published pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 39 “Provisions on the ineligibility and incompatibility of offices in public administrations and private entities in public control, pursuant to Article 1, paragraphs 49 and 50 of Law No. 190 of 6 November 2012”, issued by the members of the Board of Directors in office.