SEA Board and Committee Structure

Foto ritratto Castelli

Michaela Castelli

Not executive
Ethics Committee

Pierfrancesco Barletta

Deputy Chairman
Not executive
Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee
foto ritratto Brunini

Armando Brunini

CEO and General Manager
Foto ritratto D'alfonso

Franco Maria Antonio D’Alfonso

Not executive
Remuneration and Appointments Committee
Ethics Committee
Foto ritratto Mainini

Daniela Mainini

Not executive
Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee
Foto ritratto Mazza

Rosario Mazza

Not executive
Remuneration and Appointments Committee

The Board of Directors plays a central role in the corporate governance system and in the corporate organisation, providing strategic and governance oversight of the company.

The Board of Directors carries out its management activities by pursuing the goal of sustainable success, understood as the creation of long-term value to benefit shareholders, taking into account the interests of other stakeholders relevant to the Company.

The company is managed by a Board of Directors consisting of seven members. The Board of Directors must be appointed in such a way as to ensure

that the least represented gender accounts for at least 1/3 of the members of the Board.

The Shareholders’ Meeting of 3 May 2022 appointed 7 members of the Company’s Board

of Directors, which will remain in office until the approval of the financial statements as at 31 December 2024.

The Board of Directors has set up two committees from among its members, with proposal-making and advisory functions towards the Board of Directors, and has appointed a Group Ethics Committee tasked with ensuring the dissemination, observance, correct interpretation, updating and control of the implementation of the Code of Ethics, as well as verifying, monitoring and assessing cases of its violation.

Declaration pursuant to Legislative Decree 39/2013

Below are the declarations of the lack of causes of ineligibility or disqualification from the office of director adopted in respect of candidate directors in a Member State of the European Union also for the purposes of Articles 2382 and 2383 of the Italian Civil Code, published pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 39 “Provisions on the ineligibility and incompatibility of offices in public administrations and private entities in public control, pursuant to Article 1, paragraphs 49 and 50 of Law No. 190 of 6 November 2012”, issued by the members of the Board of Directors in office.