For SEA, Diversity & Inclusion has a dual meaning: promoting the well-being of individuals within the organisation and creating an environment where passengers truly feel 'at home'.

In an effort to promote an inclusive mindset, aimed at valuing individuals by addressing their specific needs, SEA has launched a Diversity & Inclusion project.

The project involves a group of 27 colleagues - the Core Team - who represent the spectrum of diversity within the company. They have been tasked with working on the Diversity & Inclusion theme, with the aim of proposing solutions that are both feasible and impactful, taking into account the well-being of both internal staff and passengers.

The Core Team is coordinated by the Extended Team, which consists of 8 managers responsible for monitoring, guiding and approving the initiatives to be implemented. 
Our approach is guided by the Forth Method, an innovative way of working that will enable us to bring and implement new ideas.

An inclusive workplace promotes well-being and strengthens the bond between employees and the company. 
At SEA we think of all our people as pieces of a jigsaw puzzle: we are all different, all unique, all united.


The areas of inclusion that will be addressed include:

  • age
  • gender
  • culture
  • diversity
  • sexual orientation

Actions to be developed through this project include:

  • adoption of policies and concrete management actions
  • empowering individuals
  • an inclusive working environment
  • new communication norms to overcome stereotypes and prejudice
  • measuring impact against defined KPIs
  • involving the whole company
  • impact on all areas of diversity as decided

Gender Equality Policy

In order to create the most conducive environment for achieving business objectives and in line with the core values outlined in the Code of Ethics, SEA considers it crucial to commit to the development of a policy specifically aimed at strengthening gender equality and fostering a mindset that promotes equal treatment.

Our Diversity Innovation Assignment

In today's world, the discussion of Diversity & Inclusion within organisations and professional environments seems to have become an essential part of public discourse. However, there is a danger that, like anything that is considered 'trendy', it will become a mere expression of 'good intentions', adhered to only in principle and on the basis of superficial understanding.

This is the challenge we want to present: to grasp the profound meaning behind these words, to go beyond common stereotypes and to translate them into tangible actions. Our ambition is to transform SEA into a company where the uniqueness and qualities of each individual are first of all recognised and therefore celebrated. We envision a more balanced and joyful SEA, not only within its walls, but also in service to the community. In this vision, inclusion becomes a way of recognising, nurturing and celebrating the uniqueness of everyone in the airport community, including our customers and passengers.

Continue reading our Diversity Innovation Assignment

Based on a thorough assessment of the current situation, we aim to identify solutions that promote an inclusive mindset across all dimensions (culture, religion, sexual orientation, disability, etc.) and among all individuals to make a tangible difference to diversity and inclusion at SEA.

We are looking for solutions that can build on previous initiatives at SEA, but are also open to new approaches.

Our four focus areas are:

  1. Empowering women:our goal is not only to increase the number of women at SEA, but also to facilitate their access to all career paths, allowing them to express their professional value without limitations based on their gender;
  2. Generational diversity: different generations within SEA need to work together constructively, with newer generations finding sufficient space and support to contribute. Every individual in SEA should feel valuable from their first day of work to their last, empowered to share their professional expertise, personal insights and values;
  3. Sexual Identity: we are committed to promoting the freedom to express one's sexual orientation, free from fear or discrimination, so that the power of expression serves as a catalyst for growth and openness;
  4. Inclusion of disability: achieving real and concrete inclusion for people with disabilities involves more than just architectural accessibility; it requires creating an environment where they can experience work and the airport autonomously, sometimes even beyond their perceived limitations.

These initiatives will not only benefit the entire company, but also the wider airport community, including passengers, retail partners, airlines, handlers, suppliers (as a knock-on effect) and local communities.

These solutions must follow a phased approach over a 5-year period, with one objective delivered per year.

We are looking for 9 solutions, 4 building on existing initiatives and 5 introducing new approaches, that meet the following criteria:

  1. Involvement of external stakeholders (universities, communications and media, local communities, retailers and handlers)
  2. Measurable indicators: solutions should include measurable indicators and define processes for reviewing and sharing results over time
  3. Cost-benefit analysis: accurately assess the costs and benefits to the company, taking into account the number and types of stakeholders on which they have an impact
  4. Initial implementation should take place within one year
  5. Ease of implementation: solutions should be easy to implement and promote a culture of diversity and inclusion
  6. They should leverage existing resources within SEA

Inclusive language should be considered throughout the implementation process, avoiding language that may be exclusionary