The internal control and risk management system (SCIGR), inspired by the recommendations of the corporate governance code issued by Borsa Italiana S.p.A, consists of the set of rules aimed at ensuring that the company is run in a manner consistent with its goals.
SEA’s SCIGR is based on a risk-based approach that facilitates the proper identification, measurement, management and monitoring of the risks assumed by the Company and ensures the prioritisation of risks for assessment on the basis of their relevance and occurrence.
The aim of the SCIGR is to contribute to SEA’s sustainable success, as part of a corporate strategy geared towards integrating business and sustainability goals.
SEA adopts an internal control system that monitors:
- the efficiency and effectiveness of business processes,
- the reliability of financial information,
- compliance with laws, regulations, the Articles of Association and internal procedures,
- safeguarding of the company’s assets.
Key players in the system
The Group’s risk management system involves in particular the Board of Directors, which plays a role in guiding and assessing its adequacy, and the CEO, formally identified by the Board as the person in charge of setting up and maintaining the SCIGR.
The Board of Directors is assisted by the Control, Risk and Sustainability Committee and the Board of Statutory Auditors.
The proper functioning of the SCIGR is based on the successful interaction in the performance of tasks between the corporate control functions.