Air taxis are an exciting development in air mobility, but to get off the ground, these vehicles rely on infrastructure like vertiports and accompanying air traffic management procedures. The project will develop 4 solutions to pave the way for vertiports and Innovative Air Mobility in tomorrow’s cities: the complete arrival, departure and turnaround process for vertiports, collaborative traffic management, how to deal with emergencies and disruptions also the network flow, capacity and operational management.
The project will provide recommendations for regulation/standardisation and any information that will accelerate and harmonise the development of UAM, VTOL operations and vertiports across Europe.
SEA Milan Airports is involved in the development of the following actions:
- Identification of use cases and definition of scenarios to be validated in the solution-oriented WP5-8.
- Develop the SESAR solution that will facilitate arrival to and departure from the vertiport. This solution considers different use cases covering multiple ATM and U-space environments to enable UAM operations by describing routes and trajectories.
- Allow efficient and safe vertiports operations with a holistic view at a network level of the management of the entire ground and air capacity.

The development of this solution will:
- identify technologies & concepts to manage flow and capacity of a network with its different nodes (vertiports) by defining communication and interface with the different actors, U-space, ATM, vertiport operator.
- Define a logical architecture to model the network capacity of vertiports and U-space routes at network level through a digital twin model to simulate operations in normal and contingency scenarios defining also specific capacity metrics.
- Manage vertiport operations at a strategic, pre-tactical and tactical level through the definition of technical specification for vertiport resource planning software to guarantee efficient and safe operations and to adapt the information available between the stakeholders.
PROJECT NAME: EUREKA - European Key solutions for vertiports and UAM
NUMBER: 101114799
FUNDING PROGRAMME: HORIZON.2.5 - Climate, Energy and Mobility
DURATION: 36 months, 1 June 2023 - 31 May 2026
TOTAL BUDGET: € 12.062.792,50
EU CONTRIBUTION: € 6.924.045,14
PARTNERS: Volocopter, Aeroporti Di Roma, Enav, Enaire, D-Flight, AENA, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, Alliance for new mobility Europe, Hologarde, Pipistrel Vertical Solutions, Leonardo, Indra Sistemas Sa, Direction Des Services De La Navigation Aerienne (DSNA), Ecole Nationale De L' Aviation Civile (ENAC), Boeing Aerospace Spain, Lilium, Anra Technologies Ou, Soul Software, Societa' Per Azioni Esercizi Aeroportuali Sea.