The main purpose of the project named “English takes off from Mxp” is to promote the early teaching of English, as a vehicle of world citizenship and an essential work tool, to primary school pupils of the Malpensa area communities, as well as to foster the expression of educational excellence.
More specifically, the project entails teaching English with the help of a mother-tongue tutor and setting up an English language learning environment that interweaves with other study subjects, since as early as primary school.
The project is intended to:
- start a systematic, widespread process for the improvement of fluency in English among all primary school pupils of the communities directly affected by the presence of the airport
- help the teachers of the concerned schools achieve high language proficiency
- create long-term favourable conditions for quality employment of the future citizens, by providing them with the high level of English language skills they will need to work in an airport-related profession or occupation, or in any other job in a highly internationalised area.
The initiative is addressed to the pupils and English language teachers of the 16 primary schools existing in the 9 municipalities of the CUV (Consorzio Urbanistico Volontario: Voluntary City Planning Consortium).
The project implements the guidelines of the ongoing primary school reform, introducing the teaching of English supported by a mother-tongue tutor and the adoption of the CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning) method as early as first grade, using effective teaching and communication methodologies. The project requires a significant investment to allow, on the one hand, all teachers specialising in English language teaching to achieve Level B2 certification (a prerequisite for the permanent qualification of the English teaching offer and CLIL methodology in local schools), and on the other to enable the presence of mother-tongue teachers during English language as well as other classes.
The project will take place from school year 2011/2012 to school year 2013/2014. A total of 2,600 students will be involved in the annual school activities over the three year period. The training of 36 public school teachers will take place in the same period, with a total of 300 course hours delivered per teacher at the initial intermediate level.