"Teachers' Day," an event organised by SEA Academy and UNIVA (Industrial Union of the Province of Varese) – together with the Generation of Industry project – was held at the end of May in Malpensa. It welcomed professors and educational coordinators from High Schools in the province of Varese to Malpensa Center and various areas in Terminal 1, with the aim of telling the story of the airport as a "working city", presenting its specific features and professional profiles.
In the first part of the meeting, inaugurated by our HR, Health and Safety at work director Massimiliano Crespi and Anna Barzaghi, head of People Engagement, Employer Branding and Competences Management, representatives from DHL, Dufry and AREAS delved into some aspects of the specific businesses, trades and skills required by our "airport city".

The second part offered a series of "field" visits – a tour round the check-in area, security filters, retail areas, food points, Airport Operations Control Center, BHS, cargo area – which allowed people to experience first-hand the complexity (and appeal) of processes and services provided, also offering, via direct accounts of a number of colleagues, a valuable outlook on daily operations, teamwork and ability to handle the unexpected.
This was an important occasion to pool skills, knowledge and tools and orient, together with schools, potential job candidates to airport work, seeking to bridge the mismatch between employment supply and demand in the area, increasing employability.
SEA Academy's local commitment continues with the next story: the experience of three schools involved in the Your Gate for Your Job project and the project work the students are working on together with our colleagues... which are also in this case... teachers!