In order to achieve the NET ZERO 2030 goal, SEA is also focusing on airport electrification, in particular with the eMago project there will be charging stations to power airport vehicles in both airside and landside, as well as a hundred smart Power Sockets, the so-called smart charging sockets for ramp and aircraft service vehicles.
Milano Linate (LIN) and Milano Malpensa (MXP) are core airports located in Northern Italy at the crossroads of the Rhine-Alpine and Mediterranean TEN-T Corridors. The project is part of a Global Project to meet the targets of “2030 Net Zero strategy” (ACI Europe established strategy), hence the EU Green Deal’s objectives aims reaching zero carbon emissions for ground operations, supporting the decarbonisation of air transport and the transition between fossil fuels and renewable energy.
The overall objective of the project is to improve air quality, to reduce GHG and pollutant emissions, as well as noise generated by the aircraft ground operations.
For both airports, the project mainly consists of deployment of Aircraft Ground Power Units (AGPU) in the airfield area to supply power to the aircraft for the ground operations after landing and before taking off:
- Installation of 34 AGPU at Linate
- Installation of 18 AGPU at Malpensa Area 700
- Installation of 32 AGPU at Malpensa Terminal 1 Satellites A-B-C and remote stands Area 300 and 400
The activation of these units represents a significant step towards reducing the environmental impact in terms of both CO2 emissions reduction and pollutants generated by airport operations. It will allow for the shutdown of auxiliary aircraft generators powered by kerosene, which will be replaced by electric-powered AGPU (Aircraft Ground Power Units) powered by green energy.
Deployment of electric charging stations infrastructure located both airside and landside for ground operations:
- Installation of 18 electrical charging stations at Linate and 34 at Malpensa dedicated to airport vehicles
- Installation of 13 electrical charging stations at Linate and 29 at Malpensa airport dedicated to ground operation support equipment (GSE) and airport vehicles
- Installation of 20 smart power sockets at Linate and 80 at Malpensa dedicated to ground operation support equipment (GSE)
PROJECT NAME: eMAGO - Electrification of Milan Airports’ Ground Operations
NUMBER: 101119344 FUNDING PROGRAMME: Connecting Europe Facility (CEF)
DURATION: 36 months, 10 November 2022 - 9 November 2025
TOTAL BUDGET: € 14.670.000
EU CONTRIBUTION: € 4.401.000 (30%)
COORDINATOR: SEA Milan Airports PARTNERS: sole beneficiary